1313 Cambridge Way
Chesapeake, Virginia 23320-8247
(757) 312-0768 E Mail
Class Registration
Please fill out all information below and return with your check to IMA
State Zip Email
Phone Home Work
Hull # Yacht Club
ÿ $30.00
Active Members of the IMA shall be amateur yachtsmen who are
members of a fleet in good standing and are owners, co-owners, designated
syndicate representatives, sailing club representatives, or persons who have
chartered a registered Mobjack for a continuous period of not less than six
months. Active members shall have the privilege of holding office and voting
in fleet and IMA meetings, subject to the restrictions in ARTICLE XI, SECTION
1B. They shall receive all communications of the class.
ÿ $30.00 Isolated
Members shall be persons to whom fleet membership is
not available, but who meet all other requirements for active membership.
They shall enjoy all the privileges of Active members except fleet
ÿ $25.00 Associate
Members shall be persons not owning or chartering
Mobjacks, but who are interested in the Mobjack Class. Owners of Mobjacks
located where there is no Mobjack activity, and who do not desire to compete
in any sanctioned races may become Associate Members only with the approval
of the Governing Committee. Associate Members may not vote or hold office.
They shall receive all communications of the Class.
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